ET Sharjah Cultural Plaza
Occupational Training and talks on Safety Tips are the hallmarks of ET Sharjah (Zone B). Mr Adnan Mohd Al Zarouni, the head of ET Sharjah School Section, and Mr Muhammad Abbas Al Ajmani, Saftey Officer, are committed for rolling out such session at routine intervals.
Upon their request, 3W Healthcare Solution organized a training session for their relevant staff. Seeing the group large enough to be accommodated at their location, the meeting was held at the gigantic hall of Cultural Plaza located at the intersection of Quran Roundabout.
First Aid Box is available in each school transport irrespective of type and size, however, use of different contents available in the box is a real challenge because the staff on board attending the students are not trained for the purpose. ‘Training on how to use the contents of first aid box!’ was organized for the audience comprised of all attending staff including drivers and nannies. Personnel from lower and middle management were present on the occasion too.
Qualified trainers from 3WHS, Dr Wasiq Ali Khan and Faisal Zakir Hossen were the facilitators. Besides live demo of ‘how to use the first aid contents?’, video demonstrations on ‘how to splint a broken arm?’, ‘how to attend and relieve a choking child?’ and ‘techniques of bandaging’ were provided with full narration.
As usual, the event had received a token of appreciation; the staff turnover and their keen interest were evident. The management present on the occasion thanked 3WHS and its facilitators for its unprecedented support.